Are you sure you want to cancel?

Your next unbilled Omega Crate has already been manufactured and
is in fulfillment for you. This decision was based on your history of
successful renewals.
Would you accept this final Omega Crate?
By doing so, you'll receive:

Benefits of keeping
your subscription

Exclusive Access: Experience our newest and favorite items debuting in future months without the hassle of long wait times and limited inventory during our sales.

Fraternity Pride: Celebrate and showcase the values and spirit of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., with curated items reflecting our esteemed legacy.

Philanthropic Contribution: With each successful renewal and purchase, a portion of the proceeds is donated to the fraternity, supporting our shared mission and initiatives.

Incredible Value: Receive a curated selection of items whose combined retail value far exceeds the cost of the crate.


Before you go, consider this!

Would you prefer to skip a month instead? Skipping a month
allows you to avoid being charged for the next month and
push your renewal date out by one month. This way, you can still
enjoy all your subscriber benefits, including:

Subscriber Benefits:

Save your box and ensure you experience our new favorite
items debuting in future months, without the hassle of long
wait times and limited inventory during our sales.


We’re sorry to see you go.

We hope to earn your trust back again soon. To proceed with
your cancellation, please send us an email at:

Enter your email address for a chance to
win a FREE Omega Crate for a year!